Project #2- Proposal

I think in order to go beyond “clicktivism” is that we need to as a whole create a community where we don’t just click and maybe oversee a site but we really take time to think about what we are looking at and if it interests us or what not. We need to post things that shock society with some sort of emotion that we want people themselves to tap into. I think in order to not overload people with compassion fatigue is that we need to separate sites from each other. For example, on Pinterest and the news there is this idea of information overhead and multiple stories and pictures that overwhelm people. I think if we separated this into different pages like we did for our group project it helps to not only organize information but puts categories of different topics together and maybe limiting how much one person can post in a day to not overload web viewers. In order to gain participatory action, we need to get people to engage in a campaign for example that actually shows the difference happening. Instead of fundraising, we could get people to posts videos of how they helped in some simple way or just simply talk about it. It’s very hard to come up with a straightforward example that would definitely help going beyond clicktivism because this is an issue that has been going on for a very long time, but I think as technology progresses and time progresses, we will come up with step by step solutions of different things that could possibly help. I think creating things like memes, jiffs, random pictures, videos, etc. help to inspire people across the web and it definitely helps to get things circulating across to different types of people. I think having these things circulate create positives and negatives within the web. I think they help because they get people to see a bunch of different types of information but I think that we also are addicted to it at times and it takes over the web. In order to resolve this, I would think that we would need to start limiting people to how much they can post again in a day because it is overwhelming and people do not know what to do with that much information. We want people to be active and participate but we do want to prolong a problem that might never be fixed if we do not try to do something about it.

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