
Autobiography: One childhood memory I had was when I was in middle school,  I had a lot of colored friends including one specifically whose name was Jessica. She was African American and would get harassed in school by our peers. It would hurt me deeply and I would always want to find a way to help or raise awareness.


Discipline: I’m taking a sociology class right now regarding race, class, gender, and crime and we talk about these issues all the time in class. This helps explain my project because it gives me a perspective on what is happening today in society and helps me relate issues to the past and future.




Blog about racial profiling where the community can discuss with each other their views on different events and post their own opinions on the issues discussed.




http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jcole/crookedsmile.html (Song from J. Cole, regarding racial profiling)


This one specific lyric truly represents how people of color feel: “Hey officer man, we don’t want nobody getting killed, Just open up that cell, let my brother out of jail”


The mood of thought of this song represents how people feel regarding this serious issue and how they want people to address it. They want society to come together as a whole.


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